Saturday, November 20

Looklet, new look - ME ROCK

udah lama banget ga buka looklet, sebulan kali ya?

Tadi gue iseng-iseng ikutan kontesnya hehe, nih hasilnya


hidup dan kematian

Hi peeps. I just got a sad news. Tetangga gue meninggal gara-gara ketabrak kereta T~T

Ga tau ya kronologisnya gimana..

Jadi tadi siang gue lagi main Twitter. Terus di timeline orang-orang pada mention @info_depok, katanya pada ngeluh macet karena ada orang yang ketabrak kereta. Gue sih biasa aja ya, sampe pas gue keluar kamar, ternyata ada orang yang ngasihtau nyokap gue kalo tetangga gue (mbak Titi) meninggal ketabrak kereta..


Gue langsung sadar, aaah itu yang tadi!! Dan gue pun langsung buka Twitter lagi, buka @info_depok. Ternyata bener, ada tweet lagi dari @info_depok, nih:

langsung lemes liatnya T~T

Padahal anaknya dia itu temen gue.. Sedih banget ya masih SMP udah ditinggal mama TOT

Yah, gue cuma bisa ngedoain biar mendiang diterima di sisiNya.. Amin

Inti dari postingan ini adalah: Tidak peduli siapapun kamu detik ini, di mana pun kamu berada, apapun yang sedang kamu perbuat, kamu tidak akan pernah tau nasibmu detik berikutnya..

Friday, November 19

You Got Me - Colbie Caillat

Pertama denger di Leap Year pas endingnya, entah kenapa tiba-tiba nangis dengernya -___-a

You Got Me

Colbie Caillat

You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes
I can't pretend though I try to hide
I like you I like you

I think I felt my heart skip a beat
I'm standing here and I can hardly breathe
You got me yeah you got me

The way you take my hand is just so sweet
And that crooked smile of yours
It knocks me off my feet

Oh I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of

I give up I give in I let go let's begin
'Cause no matter what I do
Oh my heart is filled with you

I can't imagine what it'd be like
Living each day in this life
Without you without you

One look from you I know you understand
This mess we're in you know is just so out of hand

Oh I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of

I give up I give in I let go let's begin
'Cause no matter what I do
Oh my heart is filled with you

I hope we always feel this way
I know we will
And in my heart I know that you'll always stay

Oh I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love

I give up I give in I let go let's begin
'Cause no matter what I do

Oh I just can't get enough
How much do I need to fill me up?
It feels so good it must be love
It's everything that I've been dreaming of

I give up I give in I let go let's begin
'Cause no matter what I do
Oh my heart is filled with you

Oh you got me you got me
Oh oh you got me you got me

Menurut lo semua, maksud dari lagu ini apa?
Kalo kata gue sih, cewe ini baru jatuh cinta sama seorang cowo yang ngga dia sangka-sangka bakal bikin dia jatuh cinta.. 'I can't pretend though I try to hide, I like you I like you'

The best part

'It feels so good it must be love, it's everything that I've been dreaming of'

Touching parts

- 'I think I feel my heart skip a beat, I am standing here and I can hardly breathe'
- 'Oh my heart is filled with you'
- 'I can't imagine what it'd be like, living each day in this life, without you without you'
- 'I hope we'll always feel this way, I know we will. And in my heart I know that you will always stay'
- 'Oh you got me, you got me'

Aku, blog dan blogspot

Bingung banget kalo nulis blog OAO

1. Selalu bingung kalo mau nulis entry baru, mau pake bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris? Tapi setiap udah mau ngetik pasti keluarnya bahasa Inggris >,< di tumblr gue lebih condong pake bahasa Inggris, tapi susah juga.. I don't write too much in English -__-a

2. Apa yang mau ditulis? Nah ini sebenernya permasalahan utamanya. Gue ngga terlalu terbuka orangnya, dan gue nggak punya kehidupan yang seru untuk dituangkan dalam blog -__-a Mungkin di sini gue bakal nulis beberapa resensi film atau buku, because I love books and movies, anyway :D

3. Ngaturnya susah! Kalo di tumblr harus pake HTML ribet gitu deh, makanya gue pindah ke blogspot. Tapi ternyata engga jauh beda ~.~

4. Susah ngatur tatanan biar menarik & enak dibaca orang @-@ I know that the point of blogging is just keep writing but... it is better to have impressive looking on my blog anyway

5. Belom banyak temen yang ngeblog, dan kalopun ada mereka jarang buka. Kayanya harus guenya ini yang menarik mereka untuk aktif di blog! Go go blog! (loh?)

Segini aja sih sebenernya, dan besar kemungkinan di kemudian hari gue bakal nemuin lebih banyak kesulitan dalam blogging.. Ah yang penting, tetap menulis !!!!!!!

my first post ^O^

hello guys this is Depetto XD
I've never had any 'serious' and impressive blog before, the one who can make people say 'oh-this-is-damn-cool-I-should-follow-this'.
I have a tumblr (abcdp) but I think that doesn't work.. that makes me confused with HTML codes I don't even know -_-V
so this is it, maybe I'll write rarely but, keep following, guys XD